Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Chocolate Ganache

Okay, so to all of you that didn't get exactly what you were hoping for for V-Day (i got a card that said "you're the mutt's nuts), here's a little recipe that will ensure that you will at least have a spoonful of chocolate a day, until you run out...
What you will need:
Fourth to half a bag of semi sweet chocolate chips (or if you have chocolate powder and sugar, mix 1:2)
Half a cup of heavy cream

In a double boiler (I use a ceramic bowl over half-ish cup of water in small sauce pan. Make sure the bowl rests on top of the pan) over medium heat, place chocolate chips in bowl. When chips start to melt, add cream and stir until the chocolate melts. Use warm right off the stove top on ice cream or whatever suits your fancy, put bowl in fridge and let harden (my favorite! i have at least one spoonful a day). or if making cupcakes or anything needing chocolate frosting, use a hand mixer and whisk the chocolate until light a fluffy.
This is a life changing recipe! Never go without chocolate!!

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